>Investing in property

A lot of people have asked me over the years how to start investing in property, and what to buy is a frequent question on Facebook groups and other online platforms.

I like to ask people to think about why they want to invest first of all. Have they just heard its an easy way to make money? Has a bloke down the pub said they should? Do they have a desire to be a landlord and help provide decent housing? Do they have trade skills and enjoy getting property back into use or building from scratch?

What you should be buying and how is hugely dependent on what you want to achieve.

Are you investing to provide a pension or future stability for family? Are you investing because you want to leave your job? Do you have a lot of cash, or time? Are you a higher rate taxpayer, or are you unemployed?

If you give some thought to these questions it will really help get started in the right way.

There are 100+ ways to make money in property and each has a different level of risk/reward. Some give better cashflow and others better capital growth. You can hold property in personal names, a Ltd company, or not hold it at all, just control it with suitable contracts.

As an investor with 25 years experience of many different approaches (and losing some big chunks of cash along the way!) I can help you think through the right strategies to achieve you goals and offer the support of my letting agency where appropriate.

Why not get in touch for a free initial chat?